Code of Ethics
I am a member of the Australian Hypnosis Alliance (TAHA) and am bound to the Code of Ethics and Confidentiality of TAHA and ICF. All client information shared will be treated with strict privacy and confidentiality.
The aims and duties of TAHA are:
a. To establish a standard of ethical conduct to inform members and others.
b. To safeguard the welfare of Members, clients of members and the general public.
c. To support the rights of Members to practice in an ethical manner.Between TAHA Members, oral undertakings are accepted.
All Members are invited to assist all other members in furthering their abilities, knowledge and understanding of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Any infringement of this code could result in the removal of privileges or the expulsion of the Member concerned.
A TAHA Member agrees to act, at all times and under all circumstances, in conformity with the law and of community and cultural standards. In the management of cases, decisions must always be in favour of that which is best for the client’s wellbeing.
A Member is to regard it as their duty:
a. To support the aims and ideals of TAHA in a professional manner.
b. To support TAHA in its activities for the maintenance of Members and the profession.
c. To maintain the highest personal character in both public and professional life.
d. To increase knowledge and efficiency by the adoption of modern methods and to contribute and share general knowledge and advancement of the profession.A TAHA Member shall never indecently expose or treat a client in any way and will always conduct himself/herself in a professional manner.
A Member will not abandon an accepted client, nor shall that client be discharged before recovery without due notice to the client, or representative.
No exaggeration of the client’s condition is to be made.
A Member will always protect the confidentiality of the client and or client’s treatment in accordance with current legislation.
A Hypnotherapy Practitioner’s own opinion/prejudice/belief system MUST NOT be allowed to interfere with the treatment process.
When advertising, misleading statements or exaggerations must not be used to attract clients.